In the AdoptOpenJDK maintained images docker hub repo i see that among others there are two builds for alpine namely alpine & alpine-slim. I downloaded both & see a good 81 MB difference in the image size (see below) between both. I tried using the alpine-slim image to build & up my services and didn’t see any issues.
I am now wondering what is the downside to using the alpine-slim image as opposed to the alpine one. Since i couldn’t find much info in the docs on what is excluded in the slim image, i am wondering if anyone knows the details of the devil :-).
P.S: I also see that in the ‘official’ AdoptOpenJDK repo there are no alpine builds at all (i know they don’t have alpine builds in there)…but with it being deprecated for the eclipse-temurin repo i am wondering what happens to the above repo that AdoptOpenJDK maintained till now..may be i should ask that as a separate question..
adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 jdk-11.0.11_9-alpine-slim 019bfca90bcf 3 weeks ago 260MB adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 jdk-11.0.11_9-alpine 16b37a0cc6be 3 weeks ago 341MB
Here is the list of modules removed from slim distribution
java.activation.jmod java.corba.jmod java.transaction.jmod java.desktop.jmod java.datatransfer.jmod jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod jdk.jconsole.jmod java.scripting.jmod java.sql.jmod java.sql.rowset.jmod
Kindly refer this answer for more details