I use spring data. I want to get some contracts from DB. So I create two queries. In first I get contracts id that I need, in second I get contract by this id.
First query in Repository.class
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "select id from (" + "select contract.id, max(invoice.period_to) " + "from public.invoice " + "join public.contract on contract.id = invoice.contract_id " + "where invoice.period_to <= '2017-10-20' " + "AND contract.close_type IS NULL " + "AND contract.payment_type != 'TRIAL' " + "group by contract.id" + ") foo ") List<Long> findContractsIdForInvoicesCreation();
List<Long> contractsId = ContractRepository.findContractsIdForInvoicesCreation(); List<Contract> contracts = contractRepository.findAll(contractsId);
But in last line above I have an error.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value element [2] did not match expected type [java.lang.Long (n/a)]
If I simply create
List<Long> contractsIdL = new ArrayList<>(); contractsIdL.add(2L); contractsIdL.add(3L); contractsIdL.add(4L); List<Contract> contracts = contractRepository.findAll(contractsId);
All works fine. Cant figure out what is wrong. In which type do first query return id?
p.s. id type in DB is bigint
p.p.s. I checked first query with System.out.println – it seems to return correct numbers.
I think the issue is with ContractRepository.findContractsIdForInvoicesCreation();
I think it doesn’t return List<Long>
as you expected