I’m coding a discord bot to be used within a private server just to mess around with. It is my first experience with java. I am using the Discord JDA Library to code the bot. I don’t think that is the main issue, however.
I’m confused as to how I am supposed to pull output from a specific method within a separate class I have created.
I am trying to pull a String from a public String method within a separate class called Color.java into a file called Commands.java. This string is meant to be randomized by using an Array List with a random number generator.
Here is my code for Commands.java. This is not the main file but the one that the issue pertains to, more specificly the final else if {} of this code.
public class Commands extends ListenerAdapter { @Override public void onGuildMessageReceived(GuildMessageReceivedEvent event) { String[] args = event.getMessage().getContentRaw().split(" "); if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(bot.prefix + "info")) { event.getChannel().sendTyping().queue(); event.getChannel().sendMessage("This is a test info description").queue(); } else if (args [0].equalsIgnoreCase(bot.prefix + "ping")) { long ping = event.getJDA().getGatewayPing(); event.getChannel().sendMessage(ping + "ms").queue(); } else if (args [0-100].equalsIgnoreCase("white")){ Race newColorobj = new Color(); String white_test = newColorobj.white(); event.getChannel().sendMessage(white_test + ".").queue(); } } }
I intended for the final “else if” to pull from this file, Color.java, pick out a random string of text from the array list “white”, and output it into the discord chat channel.
public class Color { Random rand = new Random(); int upperbound = 1; int int_random = rand.nextInt(upperbound); public String white() { ArrayList<String> white = new ArrayList<String>(); white.add("This is a test"); return white.get(int_random); } }
My terminal outputs this error when compiling, but it still succeeds and runs:
white : The term 'white' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + white c:; cd 'c:UsersColinDylan and Colin'; & 'c:UsersColin.vsc ... + ~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (white:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
if the user tries to say “white” to the bot, it does not respond with the string of text I intended it to respond with.
I’m still new to Java. What am I doing wrong?
Solution found: inside of Color.java, I needed to change public String white(){} to public String white(String… args){}.
public class Color { Random rand = new Random(); int upperbound = 1; int int_random = rand.nextInt(upperbound); public String white(String... args) { ArrayList<String> white = new ArrayList<String>(); white.add("This is a test"); return white.get(int_random); } }