Originally I picked the correct User implementation, based on domain and realm data from the Java EE server. However that was company code, so I had to rewrite the example with numbers. I hope the underlying pattern is still understandable though. For those unfamiliar with CDI, @Inject Instance allows you to iterate through all implementations of an interface.
public class NumberPicker {
private Instance<NumberMapper> mappers;
public Number parse (String string) {
for( NumberMapper mapper : mappers ){
if( mapper.isApplicable(string) ){
return mapper.apply(string);
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Can not parse " + string);
public interface NumberMapper {
boolean isApplicable (String string);
Number apply (String string);
public class ByteMapper implements NumberMapper {
public boolean isApplicable (String string) {
return string.length() == 1;
public Number apply (String string) {
return (byte) string.charAt(0);
public class IntegerMapper implements NumberMapper {
public boolean isApplicable (String string) {
if( string.length() == 1 ){
return false;
try {
return true;
}catch( NumberFormatException e ){
return false;
public Number apply (String string) {
return Integer.parseInt(string);
public class FloatMapper implements NumberMapper
public boolean isApplicable (String string) {
if( string.length() == 1 ) {
return false;
try {
return false;
}catch( NumberFormatException e){
try {
return true;
}catch( NumberFormatException e){
return false;
public Number apply (String string) {
return Float.parseFloat(string);
I think you are talking about the Strategy Pattern:
public interface Strategy {
boolean test();
void execute();
public class FirstStrategy implements Strategy{
public boolean test() {
//returns true or false
public void execute() {
//your custom implementation
public class SecondStrategy implements Strategy{
public boolean test() {
//returns true or false
public void execute() {
//your custom implementation
Then you have your list of strategies:
List<Strategy> strategiesList = List.of(new FirstStrategy(), new SecondStrategy());
.filter(aStrategy -> aStrategy.test())
.ifPresent(aStrategy -> aStrategy.execute());