In my project ,I need to pass the “price” value which is retrieved from the database in “” to “display.jsp”.I have achieved it, but the problem is…. I also need to pass the “price” value from “display.jsp” to “seat.jsp”. When I tried, it returns null value for the price variable.
try { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bus","root","happy"); Statement stmt=conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from availability"); String fp=request.getParameter("from"); String tp=request.getParameter("to"); String date = request.getParameter("date"); Boolean flag=false; while({ String from=rs.getString("fromplace").toString(); String to=rs.getString("toplace").toString(); String datedb=rs.getString("date").toString(); String price=rs.getString("price").toString(); if(from.equals(fp) && to.equals(tp) && datedb.equals(date) ) { //PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); //out.print("Available"); request.setAttribute("from",from); request.setAttribute("to",to); request.setAttribute("date",date); request.setAttribute("price",price); request.getRequestDispatcher("display.jsp").forward(request, response); flag=true; break; } } if(!flag) { request.setAttribute("date",date); request.getRequestDispatcher("Unavailable.jsp").forward(request, response); }
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <table > <tr class="icon"> <th>Fare</th> </tr> <tr> <td id="p">INR ${price }</td> </tr> </table> <center><a href="seat.jsp" class="button"> <span>View Seats </span></a></center>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div id="seat-map" class="seat-panel"> <div class="front-indicator">Front</div> </div> <div class="booking-details"> <h2>Booking Details</h2> <h3> Selected Seats (<span id="counter">0</span>):</h3> <ul id="selected-seats"> </ul> Total: <b>Rs.<span id="total">0</span></b> <button class="checkout-button">Checkout »</button> <div id="legend"></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> var firstSeatLabel = 1; $(document).ready(function() { var $cart = $('#selected-seats'), $counter = $('#counter'), $total = $('#total'), sc = $('#seat-map').seatCharts({ map: [ 'ff_ff', 'ff_ff', 'ee_ee', 'ee_ee', 'ee___', 'ee_ee', 'ee_ee', 'ee_ee', 'eeeee', ], seats: { f: { price :document.getElementById("p"), }, e: { price : document.getElementById("p"), }, }, naming : { top : false, getLabel : function (character, row, column) { return firstSeatLabel++; }, }, legend : { node : $('#legend'), items : [ [ 'f', 'available', 'Available' ], [ 'f', 'unavailable', 'Already Booked'] ] }, click: function () { if (this.status() == 'available') { $('<li> Seat - '+this.settings.label+': <b>$''</b> <a href="#" class="cancel-cart-item">[cancel]</a></li>') .attr('id', 'cart-item-' .data('seatId', .appendTo($cart); $counter.text(sc.find('selected').length+1); $total.text(recalculateTotal(sc); return 'selected'; } else if (this.status() == 'selected') { $counter.text(sc.find('selected').length-1); $total.text(recalculateTotal(sc); $('#cart-item-'; return 'available'; } else if (this.status() == 'unavailable') { return 'unavailable'; } else { return; } } }); $('#selected-seats').on('click', '.cancel-cart-item', function () { sc.get($(this).parents('li:first').data('seatId')).click(); }); }); function recalculateTotal(sc) { var total = 0; sc.find('selected').each(function () { total +=; }); return total; } </script>
How can I achieve this?
Kindly answer my question! Immediate response is appreciatable.
Thank you in advance:)
In display.jsp, in the href, you can have a servlet instead of another jsp page and that servlet can pass as a requestParameter the value you need, and you can perform a forward to your seat.jsp. You can, then, read the parameter that you need in your seat.jsp.
I hope that helps.