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Using an Interface as a super type for Enum classes – problem with accessing Enum-specific methods

I’ve been attempting to implement an interface in my enums in order to have rules for a simulation I’m making.

I am trying to access enum-methods such as values() and ordinal() (on objects).

However, even with upper-bounding my classes with my interface name, I still cannot access these methods without overriding them in my interface, which won’t work.


I’m trying to call the constructor on Tile and it doesn’t work.



You need to provide an indication that T extends Enum as it was mentioned by @Slaw in the comments.

We can declare multiple type bound by chaining them using ampersand sign & and since Enum is a class it needs to be mentioned before interface State (see) :


Assuming that Tile is meant to hold a reference to an enum member of type T and invoke methods like ordinal() and name() on it. Now compiler will allow doing that, since it knows that T extends Enum<T>.

And seems like your intention was to define an instance variable enumCount in the Tile class that will hold a number of enum members. In order to initialize it, you need to provide an instance of Class<T> as a parameter to the constructor. And one of the way to get access to all enum constants Class<T> is through EnumSet.allOf().
