Code Im trying to load this URL in webview and the webview is empty. What’s wrong with this URL? I tried replacing the URL with other links and it works perfectly. Answer It’s been a SSL handshake failed for HTTPS URL. for debugging the webview, pls add following line and you can inspect webview Using chrome browser chrome://inspect. Step-1: Create
Tag: url
URL encoding, white spaces and special characters (e.g.: “+”). How to properly manage file paths?
I’ve been reading tons of Stack Overflow posts about Java path encodings and proper ways to manage file paths (like this one). Still, I can’t really get how to manage my file path. What I want to achieve it’s pretty straightforward: get my *.jar file path encoded in a proper way so that I may be able to use it
Guava Resources.readLines() for Zip/Gzip files
I’ve found the Resources.readLines() and Files.readLines() to be helpfull in simplifiying my code. The problem is that I often read gzip-compressed txt-files or txt-files in zip archives from URL’s (HTTP and FTP). Is there a way to use Guava’s methods to read from these URL’s too? Or is that only possible with Java’s GZIPInputStream/ZipInputStream? Answer You can create your own
Downloading image from Url in java.Server returned HTTP response code: 403 error. How can I get the connection to work?
I am trying to downloada picture from a certain url, but cant do so because I somehow have to give the right userclient to the website.I am sure the problem is that I cant give the user client while using the Url class, because the page can be accesed via browser. I tried using proxy and Urlconnection but couldnt get
how to handle spaces in url android
i have an error while i tried to run some spaces in url android, this is the code : as you see.. i have the command for take login validation in strUrlLoginFullpath = strUrlMain+”exl?u=”+strUser+”&p=”+strPass+”&t=1″; but there’s condition that strUser sometimes containing blank spaces, that can make my program doesn’t run. so how the way to solve this problem.? Answer URLEncoder.encode() and blanks in filepath
I am trying to read a file to string using version 2.4 on windows 7. but it fails with: but if I do: I works fine. So when I manually type the path with a space/blank it works but when I create it from an url it does not. What am I missing? Answer Try this: BTW since you
Opening a full web page
Is there a way of opening a full web page using Java, I have to check the time taken in opening full web page in a Java user end application, I have tried this code: but this gives me the source code of the url… that’s useless for me! as I need to record the time taken by a webpage
Get domain name from given url
Given a URL, I want to extract domain name(It should not include ‘www’ part). Url can contain http/https. Here is the java code that I wrote. Though It seems to work fine, is there any better approach or are there some edge cases, that could fail. Input: Output: Answer If you want to parse a URL, use
Which is fast URLConnection or Socket
For getting data from remote url which connection type will work fast URLConnection or Socket. Answer Both have different purposes, depending upon your need A socket can implement almost a duplex kind of functionality, whereas a url connection can connect to a given URI and read its content.
How to verify if a String in Java is a valid URL?
How to verify if a String in Java is a valid URL? Answer You can try to create a object out of it. If it is not a proper URL, a MalformedURLException will be thrown.