Firstly apologies for such a bad title, kindly suggest a good title. Here are the details on my issue that I am facing: Website: Steps: Click on + button on top left Select images and upload any image update values in fields center, width and height Issue: Not able to interact with any of the text areas of center,
Tag: ui-automation
Getting java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when executing my Test
Here is my code for finding WebElement for all the records in a table My getter method to access the private WebElement Here is the function I’ve created to collect all the records in the table in a List Here is my test execution Now I’m getting an error java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when I’m creating an object jobCategories. Is it an issue
Automate status checkbox to verify active/inactive
I wish to automate a scenario, where in a data grid I have a checkbox for Status for a user, whether the user is active or not, now what I am doing is: 1. Creating a list of checkboxes on the Grid, and if the size > 0 then I gettext() of the first record in the grid and store
How TestNG annotation from base class is executed when the Test inside the derived class is executed?
While learning TestNG on Udemy, I come across a code that I am unable to understand. The instructor has created a class named “TestBase” where he defined @BeforeMethod/@aftermethod.Later he created another class named “LoginTest” where he wrote the actual test with @test. He extended TestBase class in loginTest to get variable initiated in TestBase class. When he ran loginTest then