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Tag: ui-automation

sendKeys not working on textarea with area-label and getting element not interactable exception

Firstly apologies for such a bad title, kindly suggest a good title. Here are the details on my issue that I am facing: Website: Steps: Click on + button on top left Select images and upload any image update values in fields center, width and height Issue: Not able to interact with any of the text areas of center,

How TestNG annotation from base class is executed when the Test inside the derived class is executed?

While learning TestNG on Udemy, I come across a code that I am unable to understand. The instructor has created a class named “TestBase” where he defined @BeforeMethod/@aftermethod.Later he created another class named “LoginTest” where he wrote the actual test with @test. He extended TestBase class in loginTest to get variable initiated in TestBase class. When he ran loginTest then
