In my application I’ve implemented X.509 authentication I created the following class named X509AuthenticationFilter that extends AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter provided by spring security by default. I added my own AuthenticationManager to the class And also included the following setter The bean is initialized in the spring-security.xml like so: The bean named authenticationManager does exist and it’s present in the spring context. However,
Tag: superclass
Why HashMap with generic declaration ” does not accept value “new Object()” in the put method?
While working on interview questions, I have come across below code: The above two put method’s are throwing compile time error. But, when I add m.put(3, new ArrayList()); it is adding to map with no compile time error. It is very clear for me that I can add new Object() as a value in HashMap because of the map declaration
Java: how to have an array of subclass types?
Say I have a super class “Animal” and subclasses “Cat”, Dog, Bird”. Is there a way to have an array of subclass type rather than class instances with which I’ll be able to instantiate instances of each possible subclass? To simplify, I want this: How can I do that? Edit: I don’t want an array of instances of these subclasses,