I have been using spring boot with stomp server for websocket with sockjs as frontend library. Intermittently I get the following message in the logs. As far as I have read this occurs when wrong content type is recieved in controller. But this data comes in through websocket and all the data is made to string using JSON.Stringify from frontend
Tag: stomp
How can I connect a Python websocket client to my Spring endpoint?
I’m new to Python and I’m trying to connect to a service that I currently have up running in Spring. On the server-side I have a custom Handshake handler in place by extending DefaultHandshakeHandler and overriding the determineUser method, where I then extract the user information. However, when the request comes in, there is nothing to extract. What I would
Handle disconnected peer WebSocket(Java) + STOMP + WebRTC
Currently, I have to involve in a project related to the P2P message call app. So generally on the client-side, I use the WebRTC’s API. And on the backend, beside letting 2 peers talk to each other, I need to handle the logic on each stage of the call, i.e. sending response messages to appropriate client. I want to use
Spring Websocket STOMP: send RECEIPT frames
I have a Websocket-stomp server based on Spring and its SimpleBroker implementation (not utilizing an external broker). I would like to enable STOMP RECEIPT messages. How I could configure my code to send these automatically? Answer In Spring Integration test for the STOMP protocol we have this code: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration/blob/master/spring-integration-stomp/src/test/java/org/springframework/integration/stomp/inbound/StompInboundChannelAdapterWebSocketIntegrationTests.java