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Tag: sqlite

Room database not created

I’m trying to develop an app with Room. The project is in java. This is my first time using Room. I’ve followed the documentation and created class with @Database, @Dao & @Entity. However when I run the app, it throws the following exception. Can someone please help me figure out what am I doing wrong here? I’ve spent a day

i cant update value in SQLite

I have this table to sqlite: And this is my method to Update value: And i add a object variable in my activity: So, in activity I use this to change value using update method: But this not works because when I press the button: Class: Nothing happens because the value is (1) one all the time. What’s wrong with

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed Couldnot figure out what the error says

I have got stuck in the above-mentioned error message in Android Studio. My Database is a simple one 1st column: Name TEXT PRIMARY KEY 2nd column: Price TEXT I have already gone through the answers to the same question in StackOverflow but couldn’t resolve the error. I am quoting my DataBaseHelper class and insertActivity here: error: Answer These lines: assign

SQLite does not update the date value

I am trying to update the date value in the database which is hold as a text, however I stucked here, it takes the user correctly, but does not update the current date; The part that I try to update the date, the app is closed suddenly; Answer Seems like SYNTAX (May be Quotes) issue costs you. You can try
