I am completely new to Reactive Spring Webflux. I am writing a handler for a Post request which should Accept Json body(Employee id, name and role), Fetch some more Employee details from database 1 using id field, Return Employee json back with additional attributes like age and dept.. My router code is below: Post Body: Model Class looks like this
Tag: spring-webflux
Java WebFlux/Reactor – Filter a Flux<List> with items only found in Mono<Set>
I’m new to WebFlux/Reactor and having trouble wrapping my head around how to write this piece of code. Basically, I have a Flux which has a nested List foo and a Mono<Set> bar and I’d like to only return items in foo that are contained in bar. The problem with the above block of code is the .block() on the
How do I compare the values in ‘Mono’?
Comparing the values in Mono<Integer> a and Mono<Integer> b, if the value in Mono<Integer> a is larger, I want to throw an error. Answer
How do you test a reactive mongo repository?
I’m trying to test the findByPhoneNumber method in this repository ATM, my test looks like this When I run it, I get this error org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘io.freesale.repository.UserRepositoryTest’: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field ‘repository’; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type ‘io.freesale.repository.UserRepository’ available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations:
Webflux Webclient – increase my Webclient time out (wait a bit more a flaky service)
Small question regarding Spring Webflux Webclient, and how to increase the client side time out please. Setup, I am the client, I need to consume a third party API over the web. This third party API is known to be flaky. For a same request, same response, sometimes, it takes 1-2sec, sometimes more than 4-5secs (mostly 4-5secs 😛) But it
Spring Webflux: how to compare results from two Mono streams and save based on filter
The situation is as follows: I have two MongoDB documents: User and Reproduction. Based on a check if the User has a Reproduction entry (document), I want to add another entity in MongoDB. Currently I am using Spring Webflux and Spring Reactive Mongo. Please see code below. My question is as follows: how can the result from the Mono be
Spring WebFlux with ReactiveMongoRepository: not getting database updates through the stream
The issue I am facing: Whatever I try through various tutorials on using Spring Reactive (WebFlux) REST API’s, I am unable to get it to work. When I initially call my endpoint, I am able to get the results from the MongoDB collection. However, whenever I make an update to a document entry, or add a new document, it is
Java Spring Webflux – inserting an empty Mono result of a filter?
Small question please: Does it make sense to save an empty Mono, by that, I mean the result of a filter on a Mono, into a reactive database please? A small sample: After step 2, if the predicate does not match, (not sure) the result will be an empty mono. Hence, does it make sense to invoke the persistence API
Spring WebFlux – Why I have to wait for WebClient response?
I have a my WebClient class as per below: After execution I get this on my console: Question: If I comment Thread.sleep(1000); then I dont get any response. Why do I need to wait for the response? Answer Your code is working with Thread.sleep(1000); because you are blocking the parent thread for some time and within this time you are
Disable Spring Boot Webclient logs
I want to build a simple Spring Web Client who send message from stdin but the WebClient show all debug informations on stdout. How to disable the logs generated by Webclient ? Code of the client Answer you can customize your logs as you want. as the image you mention, Go to the application.properties put logger values to disable as