Project ZIP: Spring web app cannot be executed giving HTTP Status 500 error. It also writes out that No default constructor found for DSLR but in fact there is a default constructor. Maybe it has to do with application context or the way my beans declared? What is the reason my application cannot start? DSLR: web.xml DSLRServletController-servlet.xml: mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml ERROR:
Tag: spring-mvc
mvn spring-boot:run doesn’t start spring
ANSWER: I changed the version tag from 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.0.2.RELEASE and it worked, see answer below. I am following this documentation and have created the as instructed. When I run mvn spring-boot:run spring doesn’t start it just says BUILD SUCCESS. It’s my understanding that Spring should start and Tomcat serving up the page. Here are some details: located
Why we shouldn’t make a Spring MVC controller @Transactional?
There are already a few questions about the topic, but no response at all really provides arguments in order to explain why we shouldn’t make a Spring MVC controller Transactional. See: Transaction not working correctly – Spring/MyBatis For web MVC Spring app should @Transactional go on controller or service? Making Spring 3 MVC controller method Transactional Spring MVC Controller Transactional
How to fix Hibernate LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy – no Session
In the custom AuthenticationProvider from my spring project, I am trying read the list of authorities of the logged user, but I am facing the following error: Reading other topics from here in StackOverflow, I understand this happens due the way this type of atribute is handled by the framework, but i can’t figure out any solution for my case.
how to capture connection event in my webSocket server with Spring 4?
I did a simple web socket communication with spring 4,STOMP and sock.js, following this and this well, I want to know if is possible capture connection events like when a new client was connected to my server or when a client was disconnected, is that possible in Spring 4.0.0? Answer This an be done with a connection handshake
Converting MultipartFile to without copying to local machine
I have a Java Spring MVC web application. From client, through AngularJS, I am uploading a file and posting it to Controller as webservice. In my Controller, I am gettinfg it as MultipartFile and I can copy it to local machine. But I want to upload the file to Amazone S3 bucket. So I have to convert it to
Add context path to Spring Boot application
I am trying to set a Spring Boot applications context root programmatically. The reason for the context root is we want the app to be accessed from localhost:port/{app_name} and have all the controller paths append to it. Here is the application configuration file for the web-app. Here is the index controller for the main page. The new root of the
Removing user login credentials from session when user logout in spring-security
I am new to Spring and Spring-Security. I have been going through the tutorials here The user are not allowed to hit add employee page without login. So if you hit add employee page, you will be directed to the login page and when login succeeded you are directed to the add employee page automatically. But once the user logged
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute while running java -jar
I have successfully built my Spring MVC project with mvn clean package by following this tutorial. Now I am trying to run the service with: But I get this error: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from target/gs-serving-web-content-0.1.0.jar Am I missing something? Answer If you are working with Spring Boot this will solve your problem: Reference Guide | Spring Boot
What are ways for pass parameters from controller after redirect in spring mvc?
if I write in my controller method: What parameters will be passed to url (it maybe controller method or jsp page)? Answer With RedirectAttributes, you can pass almost any data to the redirect URL: When you use addAttribute to add attributes, this will end up in the target redirect URL. These attributes are used to construct the request parameters and