I try to create a Shopping/ToDoList application where the items are contained in SharedPreferences. When I start the application, and I choose what I want to execute, Shopping list part or ToDoList part, then the java code fetches the existing data from the SharedPreferences and give to the RecycleView to create and show a list. It seems works totally correct,
Tag: sharedpreferences
Why is my LinkedHashMap being incorrectly converted to JSON and saved in SharedPreferences?
I’m trying to save an object in SharedPreferences but first converting the object to JSON as shown below. However, the object is being both incorrectly converted and saved. The JSON looks like this: This makes it impossible to save and retrieve the schedule. Why is the name of the schedule file address being converted into JSON and saved instead of
Setting date to a shared prefernece in android studio
Very new to android studio and this is the first app I’ve built so all help would be appreciated. I have a calendar set up and im trying to save the selected date into a shared preference. My problem is that the methods I’ve created are not showing up as onclick options in my xml file. Here is the code
Can’t save in SharedPreferences values instead I get : D/InputMethodManager: showSoftInput fail
I am stuck for a few hours and can’t find a solution (at least not for my level) that works, so I am asking for your help. Again. I am trying to save some values given by a user from EditText boxes to …
Is SharedPreferences necessary for all data?
I am new in Android. I have a database like this. I used SharedPreferences for remember user information. However, there is a point that I do not understand. When the user logins the application, do I need to save all Firebase data in SharedPreference for the application to remember the user? Which type of datas save in SharedPreference? I just
Deleting an item (index) from SharedPreferences
I’m saving an array called semesterArray which is a List<String> semesterArray = new ArrayList<>() with the following method on SharedPreferences: The if statement is there to update the SharedPreferences, I got the idea from this StackOverflow answer. Now, the following method takes care of loading the SharedPreferences that were just saved: We remove duplicate Semesters because the if statement in
How can I make SharedPreferences to update the data instead of overwriting the data and losing part of it?
I’m using the following piece of code to save an ArrayList<String> into SharedPreferences: This is somewhat getting the job done since it saves the ArrayList<String> as intended and when the app is re-launched the Semesters that were added are still stored in the ArrayList<String> as I want them to be. But if I add more Semesters after re-launching the app,
SharedPreferences vs SQLite Database vs Room Database, which should I use for my project and why? Pros and Cons [closed]
I have a custom ListView of Semesters, a Semester is an object, in the MainActivity of an app I’m developing to learn more about Android developing and databases. That ListView is created by the user …
Saving byte array using SharedPreferences
So I have a byte [] array which I have created in my android app. I want to use SharedPreferences from android to store it and retrieve it back again when I start my app. How can I do that ? Answer You could try to save it has a String: Storing the array: Retrieving the array: