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Tag: selenium

How TestNG annotation from base class is executed when the Test inside the derived class is executed?

While learning TestNG on Udemy, I come across a code that I am unable to understand. The instructor has created a class named “TestBase” where he defined @BeforeMethod/@aftermethod.Later he created another class named “LoginTest” where he wrote the actual test with @test. He extended TestBase class in loginTest to get variable initiated in TestBase class. When he ran loginTest then

selenium java load image in for xlink:href attribute

I am trying to load images in one website, but I didn’t succeed, This is the Source Code when pressing F12 However I tried many codes : – But anyone of them is working with, can you help me please, This is the code source extract of the webpage which I would like to automate by loading images in it.

i’m tring to automate in selenium using java

1.error in line 3 i can’t access registration btn (I tried using by id ,XPath,name and selector but dont work! ) Answer Type about:profiles in the URL bar of firefox and check if the default profile exists at the location, If it doesn’t exist just create the one and provide the default or desired location. Click on Create a new

Unable to click a button (testing)

My project is automation testing on voot app using appium(android),selenium (java) I am using appium desktop inspector to locate the id/xpath of an element and copying that in eclipse. There is a “GOT IT” button on the home page without an id or xpath, how do i go about it screenshot Answer driver.findElementByName(“GOT IT”).click(); or use the position of the

How to get the node names under one parent node of XML in java

I have a situation where I need to get the node names of one XML file in java. Here I want to get all the node names under “ns0:header” sample XML file. </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> I was trying getchildnodes() method but unable to find that. Thanks Nihar Answer As you haven’t share your code, it is nearly impossible for me to
