Redis 3.0.5 Spring Data Redis 1.3.6 jedis 2.6.3 – Our is web application which receives data from redis over pub/sub. – Also performs read/write of data on redis as key/value pairs. – read/write happens on listener thread, independent monitoring thread and http request threads. – We have used a same connection factory for Listener and redis template – Our redis
Tag: redis
Why Getting NoClassDefFound error for JedisConnection when using Spring Redis
Hello when trying to use spring-redis i am getting exception when doing any connection operation using redis. My config method goes like this Please suggest if anyone knows why i am getting this exception. Answer After wasting almost one day and finding that the jar is already on my class path, i further debugged it and found that when java’s
Embedded Redis for Spring Boot
I run my Integration Test cases with Spring Boot with the help of my local Redis server on my machine. But I want an embedded Redis server which is not dependent on any server and can run on any environment, like the H2 in-memory database. How can I do it? Answer You can use an embedded Redis like Add
Get Set value from Redis using RedisTemplate
I am able to retrieve values from Redis using Jedis: But when I am trying to use Spring’s RedisTemplate , I am not getting any data. My data is stored in Redis as a Set. Can someone please point out to me what am I missing? EDIT : My xml config for RedisTemplate. Answer In short You have to configure