I have the following ASN1 ASN.1 dump and I understand that the OCTET STRING is the messageDigest(hash sha-256) of what I am trying to sign. Which in this case is a PDF document using PDFBOX the code I’m using to sign is the following I have also calculated the sha-256 of the document I am trying to sign and the
Tag: pki
Algorithm constraints check failed on signature algorithm: SHA256WithRSAEncryption
For sometime I am noticing following error consistently, when servers are trying to connect other services using https. What action is to be taken to resolve this. Interestingly, it is happening only on few servers. Answer Thanks all, but I found the answer to this problem. Had an older version of bouncy castle jar, after upgrading the the jar bcprov-jdk15on-1.58.jar,
What format is java’s cacerts format expected to be?
I’m slightly confused about cacerts formats. An application I use recently had to upgrade it’s cacerts file. The original cacerts file was pk12 format (I assume, it’s binary), while the new format is clearly pem. I can use either cacert, but when I suggested someone having trouble with authentication upgrade to the new cacert he gets complaints because it is