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Tag: pkcs#12

Create and Import PKCS12 Certificate In Android (Java)

I am working on an Android app that handles the creation and installation of Client Certificates. I have everything set up and working except for the importing of PKCS12 Certificates into Android using the KeyChain.createInstallIntent() function. Because I need to handle the the creation of PKCS12 Certificates client side I am generating the keys and importing them into the KeyStore

PKCS#12 : DerInputStream.getLength() exception

I generate a certificate using the keytool command: Then if I try to load it using java security API, after getting the file as a byte[] : I get a DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=127, too big exception. What is wrong? Answer I had this problem and I’ve searched the depths of google and still couldn’t find the answer. After some days battling
