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Tag: oracle11g

ORA-29531: no method in class (java)

I have a java procedure inside a package in Oracle: and it is defined something like this: When I try to call the procedure like this: it throws an error: Does anybody know the problem? Answer The int primitive and the Integer class are not the same thing, so your declaration does not match the Java method. It should be:

ORA-00905: missing keyword in case statement

I am getting ORA-00905: missing keyword in case statement in my when clause. Below is the query. Answer You can’t have a boolean value as a selectable something in a query in oracle, you can only make boolean expressions in e.g. the WHERE/ON clauses etc i.e. this is invalid: This is valid: You could later compare these values to something

JPA and 1000 ID use in Oracle IN Operator

I use NamedNativeQuery for delete rows, and it’s somthing like this: But How i can use more that 1000 userIds with IN Operator at Oracle where clues? P.S: I’m looking for a solution to handle it in one commit; Answer Working around the IN limit is inefficient and JPA is not always the right tool for the job. Consider the

java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1

I made some Java 1.6-Oracle11g-JDBC (using OJDBC 6) code (below). I am getting an exception – java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1 Why is this happening and how do I fix it ? My output is- The code is- EDIT – To correct the code, we use- //insert 1st row //insert 2nd row Answer This is not
