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Tag: nested

Nested loop in RobotFramework

I need to create a nested loop in Robot framework. Can you please Help me do it? I need to have a nested loop which compares all the ${text} with all the @{lines} in the file. Thanks in Advance Answer No nested loops in RF; that can be done only by calling a keyword with the inner loop, in the

nested for loop for alphabet increment

I have searched everywhere and I cannot figure out how to create this output using a nested for loop in java: “a ab abc abcd” continued until z this is what I have tried String alphabet = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”; Please help me! Answer Here is the answer: The outer loop switches from one row to another while the inner loop prints

Nested functions in Java

Are there any extensions for the Java programming language that make it possible to create nested functions? There are many situations where I need to create methods that are only used once in the context of another method or for-loop. I’ve been unable to accomplish this in Java so far, even though it can be done easily in JavaScript. For
