I need to check if the thread running a certain piece of code is the main (UI) thread or not. How can I achieve this? Answer if this returns true, then you’re on the UI thread!
Tag: multithreading
Distribute Range of Numbers between each threads
Config File I have a config file above in which I have number of threads I want to use and the client instance is able to use ID range from 1 to 1000 and suppose the client threads is set at 10, so each thread would have range of 100 id’s(basically by dividing end range with thread size) that it
Is there a way to take an argument in a callable method?
I have created a piece of code which takes an IP address (from main method in another class) and then loops through a range of IP addresses pinging each one as it goes. I have a GUI front end on this and it was crashing (hence why I’ve done the multithreading. My problem is I can no longer take the
why using volatile with synchronized block?
I saw some examples in java where they do synchronization on a block of code to change some variable while that variable was declared volatile originally .. I saw that in an example of singleton class where they declared the unique instance as volatile and they sychronized the block that initializes that instance … My question is why we declare
Working around the “variable might not have been initialized” error
If this isn’t possible, could you suggest a better way to do this? I couldn’t find a method for it in ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. basically what I’m trying to do is make this code be run 3 times then cancel the “timer.” I could probably use Swing Timer, but I don’t want to since its used for other stuff. It says in
Eclipse (Helios) debugger – getting different Results in Debug mode and Run mode
I am debugging RCP( multi-threaded GUI application) using Eclipse Helios. When I am executing the same method, I get a null pointer exception in run mode, but in debug mode, I don’t get any exception. I think it works fine in Debug mode. Null pointer exception doesn’t come in debug mode , but in run mode only.. Please help me
How to pause and resume a simple game in Java
i made simple game by java , it’s about “tennis background” and “tennis ball” , and the ball is randomally move automatically , my game consist of two file , 1st file fore Jpanel , and 2nd file for JFrame , my question is : i need to control of “stopping and resuming” the ball by clicking the mouse ,
Using a synchronizedSet to synchronize access between two threads
I’m not able to synchronize two threads using a set: and passing it to two threads. One accessing: and another updating: What happens is that [1], [2], [3] happens in sequence. During [1], it is correct that the set doesn’t have yet the item I’m looking for. But then [2] updates it by adding the item. And during [3], I
Synchronized keyword and static classes in java
I was reading a threading tutorial that’s originally from (I believe) the IBM developerworks site. In it they talked about the synchronized keyword and how a synchronized block of code is locked by the actual object, not the block of code itself. For instance, in the code below the authors state that even though the static class ‘Thingie’s setLastAccess method
Thread Safe Singletons in Java
The wikipedia article on Singletons mentions a few thread safe ways to implement the structure in Java. For my questions, let’s consider Singletons that have lengthy initialization procedures and are acccessed by many threads at once. Firstly, is this unmentioned method thread-safe, and if so, what does it synchronize on? Secondly, why is the following implementation thread safe AND lazy