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Tag: lombok

Lombok and Maven

I’m trying to use Lombok with Maven and VRaptor on IntelliJ but it doesn’t work. I already read some info in stackoverflow but none solved my problem, i already enabled the Annotation Processor in Intellij but still nothing. I tryied to compile it from command-line too (Windows) and didn’t work. I also tryed to create another project without maven and

Can’t compile project when I’m using Lombok under IntelliJ IDEA

I’m trying to use Lombok in my project that I’m developing using IntelliJ IDEA 11. I’ve installed 3rd-party plugin for IDEA and it seems working fine because IDEA sees all autogenerated methods/fields. So I have a class that uses Slf4j. I annotated it like this But when I build my project compiler spits: cannot find symbol variable log. Could you
