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Tag: logcat

How do I properly capture the logcat using a process and filtering on PID?

It seems straightforward enough. I’m using Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandString); I’ve tried I’ve tried it without the -v raw and have also tried (and need to) use multiple PIDs using |. Nothing seems to work. I have a new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); that gets nothing. If I don’t filter on PID it works but prints out everything that hits the logcat which is not

adb logcat returns “Logcat read failure”

After noticing that Logcat messages were not showing up in Android Studio, I tried every solution out there, and nothing worked. I eventually tried the command adb devices and sure enough my device was there, but as soon as I tried adb logcat it returned “logcat read failure”. Developer settings are turned on, and so it debugging. I’m on a

Printing the enum’s name

I’m using eclipse + Android SDK on Ubuntu. I would like to print the name of a sensor type device, there a a lot of them and I want to do it automatically. If I use a I print the (int) type, but I would like the name of the enum. How could I do that? Answer For enumerations, you
