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Tag: kotlin

How to interpret and translate a Lottie animation from Kotlin to Java?

I have been trying to translate this Kotlin code to Java since the project is in Java. I am translating by looking into Kotlin syntax. However, there are still others that I am having a hard time understanding. Specifically: For the setViewPagerScroller, I was able to translate the first part. Answer The method setViewPagerScroller uses kotlin anonymous inner class

RxJava Live Reactive Queue (with on off switch)

Working on an android app in kotlin. I need to set up a system to be able to do work from a live queue (and observe the results of the work in a stream). But I also have to be able to toggle the “queue processing” depending on a couple external factors (which also come in as streams) like networkIsAvailable

Convert indefinitely running Runnable from java to kotlin

I have some code like this in java that monitors a certain file: This is my kotlin code: I dont understand what Runnable I should pass into mHandler.postDelayed. What is the right solution? Another interesting thing is that the kotlin to java convertor freezes when I feed this code. Answer Lambda-expressions do not have this, but object expressions (anonymous classes)

What is the `it` in Kotlin lambda body?

For example in these two following codes: and In this code what does it mean? Answer it variable is an implicit parameter in lambda. One other helpful convention is that if a function literal has only one parameter, its declaration may be omitted (along with the ->), and its name will be it:

Difference between a class and object in Kotlin

I’m new to Kotlin and have recently converted a simple file from java to Kotlin. I am wondering why the Android converter changed my java class to a Kotlin object. Java: Converted Kotlin: Why wasn’t it: Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks. Answer A Kotlin object is like a class that can’t be instantiated so it must be called

How can I run Kotlin-Script (.kts) files from within Kotlin/Java?

I noticed that IntelliJ can parse .kts files as Kotlin and the code editor picks them up as free-floating Kotlin files. You are also able to run the script in IntelliJ as you would a Kotlin file with a main method. The script executes from top to bottom. This form is PERFECT for the project I’m working on, if only
