Context: GoogleBooks API returing unexpected thumbnail url Ok so i found the reason for the problem i had in that question what i found was the returned url from the googlebooks api was something like this: Going to that url would return a error, but if i replaced the ” /”s with “/” it would return the proper url is
Tag: kotlin
Is the Kotlin term “mutable” wrong?
The way I understood things is that the word “variable” referred to the capability of a reference to be reassigned. “constant” meant a reference cannot be reassigned. Essentially the difference between final or not in Java. To me “mutability” meant the ability to modify the REFERAND/OBJECT itself, not its reference. I.E. the object being referenced. But Kotlin doesn’t prevent that.
How I can replay to WhatsApp notification from java code in android studio
Hello guys I’m using NotificationListenerService to get WhatsApp messages But now I have a problem that I don’t know how to replay to WhatsApp notifications So here is the code and how I’m getting WhatsApp notifications but my problem is in how actually to replay on them } Answer Did you try using this function? You can get Notification.Action for
How to merge two jsonNodes in one
I have two variables of class User as follows: I want to create a JsonNode with the following structure: I have converted the objects to nodes, but I do not know how to merge them using Jackson. Or is there a more efficient way to create one json node structure with the two classes ? I am using Kotlin and
Rabbit MQ doesn’t flush acks?
The problem appeared in logs: Consumer failed to start in 60000 milliseconds; does the task executor have enough threads to support the container concurrency? We try to open handlers for like 50 queues dynamically by SimpleMessageListenerContainer.addQueueNames(), then application is started. It consumes some messages, but the RabbitMQ admin panel shows that they are unacked. After a significant amount of time,
Spring HandlerInterceptor fire and forget
I am wondering what would be the best way to make an HTTP fire and forget web service call inside a HandlerInterceptor (or maybe there is something more suitable). Let’s say I am handling requests and I want to notify some API for each response resulting with HTTP 5XX (by sending the request and response body of the request). Of
Xamarin MAUI No Active Admin Security Exception (Kiosk mode app)
I’m trying to run an app on the android emulator with full kiosk mode. So I wrote a DeviceAdminReceiver: Here’s the MainActivity: And finally here’s the AndroidManifest.xml: > The problem is that this line in MainActivity throw this exception: I already have a device_admin.xml in resources/xml with a device-admin tag, does it need more configuration? Or is the issue else
Android handle virtual Direction pad on screen to focus view
I’m developing an app can visible Direction pad on the screen, but I don’t know how to handle or override action like UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to focus the next view (like some buttons in image below). Answer I found a solution to what I need here Android simulate key press . Use Instrumentation class to sendKeyEvent.
Java Equivalent of Kotlin Sealed Class Type Detection
I want to access information from this Kotlin class in Java. It is being imported via a Gradle library. Sealed Class: In Java, I’m trying to determine whether it is of type Success or Error, and if possible, I want to be able to retrieve the “statusCode” from it. I know in Kotlin it’d be preferable to use the ‘when’
Network Capabilities is showing true, when vpn connected but net disconnected
} when I am checking for network capabilities without any VPN, it is working fine but if I connect to a VPN and then check for capabilities then it is showing that it has capabilities but if VPN is connected but the network is not connected, the capability is still showing true. Answer You can check real network connection by