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Tag: jfreechart

Random errors when changing series using JFreeChart

I’m making a GUI that display result of background calculations. But before that, I wanted to test changing the dataset. Here is my code: As you can see, I want to change points on the graph (every time it finishes ‘some complicated computations’) – this change is in the thread invoked by me in another class. My problem is that

Create stylish charts in Java eg with JFreeChart

What’s the best way to create great looking charts in Java? It looks like the main option for charting is JFreeChart, but unfortunately by default they come out looking quite plain. Compare a sample of JFreeChart: with one of the Javascript charting libraries, eg or The javascript ones look nicer – they have smooth lines, nice font

How would I create a JFreeChart scatterplot best fit line

I have an arraylist of points I want to include in a JFreeChart scatterplot. That works fine, but I now want a best fit line on it. After some searching, JFreeChart doesn’t support such calculations directly, so what I want to do is calculate it myself and then stick a line into the chart manually. How do I get a
