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Tag: javassist

Is it possible to instrument a program that also uses dynamic bytecode generation?

I am writing a Java instrumentation program that uses the built-in Instrumentation API with Javassist (v3.26.0-GA) to intercept all the method calls in the target program. Also, I have implemented a REST API service inside this program using Java Spark to send requests for starting/stopping instrumentation by adding/removing transformers, and also for fetching intercepted methods during the instrumentation time. Now,

Java instanceOf analogue in Javassist

I’m working on a plugin for Gradle in android project. I use Transformation Api for manipulate with byte code across compilation and for this purpose I choosen Javassist. My question related to this library. Before manipulate byte code I need determine which type has this class. For example, if some ctClass has method setOnClickListener(), I want to know its type
