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Tag: javasound

Java Stop Sound Button Not Working Correctly

So I have been making a stop button recently and have been wondering how can I stop a button sound instantly when already playing. The problem : When you click the stop sound button, it only stops the next button you press. What Im Trying to Achieve : When you click the stop sound button, it stops all playing sounds.

JavaSound API not available

I have started a new modular JavaFX project based on OpenJDK14 and OpenJFX14. This is a modular project with maven. I now have the problem that I would like to use the Java Sound API but cannot import …

Capturing speaker output in Java

Using Java is it possible to capture the speaker output? This output is not being generated by my program but rather by other running applications. Can this be done with Java or will I need to resort to C/C++? Answer I had a Java based app. that used Java Sound to tap into the sound flowing through the system to
