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Tag: javafx-webengine

Module not found: javafx.web

I wanted to create a WebView with Javafx, and I added requires javafx.web; to my module-info.jar, but IntelliJ say: “Module not found: javafx.web”. works without any problem. What can I do? Answer Have you also added a dependency to javafx-web in Maven/Gradle or added the corresponding jar file to your build?

How do I make the background of a WebView transparent?

I have a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA, using JDK 15 and JavaFX 15. I tried: Set style for WebEngine Set blend mode for WebView Tried WebPage Nothing succeeded. How do I make the background of the WebView transparent? My My pom.xml dependencies: I created a new project and tried to implement the example from the answer. Happened. Unfortunately,
