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Tag: javabeans

Clarify a situation with a cleaning Spring Prototype-beans from memory

I would like to understand whether I should clean prototype-beans from memory manually by myself. In the Spring documentation you can see: “The client code must clean up prototype-scoped objects and release expensive resources that the prototype bean(s) are holding.” So from this it seems that you should clean prototype-beans by yourself. However. I’m using VisualVM memory profiler. I have

Is JRE 1.8 still JavaBean specs compliant about IndexedPropertyDescriptor?

This question seems awkward but we are facing a strange behaviour while retrieving the PropertyDescriptors of a javabean. Here are the execution results on 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of a simple piece of code, compiled with 1.6 compliance. Java 1.6 execution: java.beans.PropertyDescriptor@4ddc1428 <- Not important java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor@7174807e <- Yes I have an indexed property Java 1.7 execution: java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[name=class; propertyType=class java.lang.Class; readMethod=public

Unwanted quotes in substituted freemarker template fields

I’m generating contents out of a Freemarker template but I get quoted values in my substituted fields. For JSON object In template: I get While I want The Object I feed it with is a JsonNode-tree obtained by Mapping my object with Jackson annotations: Processor: I have the feeling I’m missing some kind of configuration? Answer FreeMarker doesn’t add the

Why doesn’t my JavaBean icon display?

I’m using Netbeans 6.7.1 on Windows Vista, I’ve got a JavaBean component that works as it should and this has an associated BeanInfo class where I’ve set Icon 32×32 Color property to a 32×32 gif file located on the classpath. I’ve also set the 16×16 Color property similarly. I’ve added the bean to the palette but the icon displayed is
