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Tag: java

Generate a deterministic random number from any number

From a number x, I want a function to get a random number y, uniformly distributed. For same x, the function should return same y. I tried: but apparently only the sequence of numbers provided by a seeded Random is uniformly distributed, not first values. Is this possible? Answer First, note that both int and float are 32bit datatypes in

Trying to make a daily job schedule with quartz in java

I’m working on a Discord Bot with should do sth every day. I tried using the Quartz library for it, but the job is never executed. Below is the code I use for testing: The job is never called. Can some tell me what I did wrong? Greetings, Martin. Answer You called your class job(small letter), but used in JobBuilder

How to avoid using milliseconds when using

I am using to get the current date in UTC format and result includes milliseconds too. I don’t want milliseconds to be sent . Is there a way i can remove Milliseconds from without using split. Answer tl;dr Details The date-time classes such as OffsetDateTime are not strings. They do not have a format. Rather than thinking in

How to use AWSDateTime in Java

Trying to figure out how to input a AWSDateTime. I don’t want to use Java 8. createDate requires Temporal.DateTime Is there any other way I can accomplish this? Answer I ended up using the function in DateUtils. AWSDateTime An extended ISO 8601 date and time string in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. Note: This will store the date in GMT time.

Android: Should I use local Storage or SQLite (or similar)?

I am just starting to learn Android Development. I have to develop something similar to a Log APP where the user can save information.This is student project, so I don’t have to use Users/Passwords, instead I am allowed to save the info using the Local Storage of the device. The problem is that I will need to extract that info

Connect two HashMap Values

I’ve got this JSON string: String json = “{“countries”:{“2″:”China”,”3″:”Russia “,”4″:”USA”},”capitals”:{“2″:Beijing,”4″:null,”3″:Moscow}}”; I converted string to HashMap, using this: And now my output is: I would like to connect this values by numbers. I want to create two ArrayList like this: A)- [China,Russia,USA] B)- [Beijing,Moscow,null] How can i do it? Answer First, you need to cast map.get(“label”) to LinkedTreeMap<Integer, String>, then create

Locale.setDefault affecting Locale.getDefault.getCountry

The output of the following code is whereas the output of this code is I’m curious why the output of the first code block which changes the default language setting to French results in an empty string being produced as the output for Locale.getDefault().getCountry() Answer According to documentation: A java.util.Locale is a lightweight object that contains only a few important

Jetbrains Academy Java: Program ran out of input. You tried to read more, than expected

The Jetbrains Academy Java “Project: Cinema Room Manager” at stage 4/5 throws an unclear error Program ran out of input. You tried to read more, than expected….. The Java stack trace is: Source code Answer You might have used System.exit(0) to quit the application which is the culprit of the problem. Instead, use return to quit the application.
