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Tag: java-web-start

How to allow JAVA Web Start application to access file system on macOS Catalina if it is started by double clicking on JNLP file?

With macOS Catalina we are experiencing the following problem: opening Java Web Start applications behaves differently when application starts by double clicking on JNLP file and when it is started by double clicking on a shortcut installed on a desktop. In the first case (double click on a downloaded JNLP file) application opens without permissions to access file system –

AWS S3 Java SDK – Download file help

The code below only works for downloading text files from a bucket in S3. This does not work for an image. Is there an easier way to manage downloads/types using the AWS SDK? The example included in the documentation does not make it apparent. Thanks! Answer Instead of Reader and Writer classes you should be using InputStream and OutputStream classes:
