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Tag: jakarta-mail

Unable to Send Mail – Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?

We are sending Mail using Spring JavaMailSenderImpl. Following is the configuration Properties File :- Console Logs We are convinced that this is not related to the SSL certificate as there are other web applications deployed in the same server which sends email perfectly with the same configuration. What could be the issue here ? Answer You want either mail.smtp.ssl.enable for

How to let javamail support http proxy

I found that javamail only support socks. Is there any solution I can use to support http proxy? Answer See the JavaMail FAQ: How do I configure JavaMail to work through my proxy server? … Without such a SOCKS server, if you want to use JavaMail to access mail servers outside the firewall indirectly, you might be able to use

java mail as pdf files as attachment

I am trying to send an e-mail with a PDF as an attachment. It was including the file but its size was less than what it was on disk, and when trying to open it, it says the file is corrupted. Answer Doing some research i found another topic about sending mail with pdf attachment here. He does it by

how to send a html email with attached file using JavaMail

The following Java code is used to attach a file to a html email and send it. I want to send attachment with this html email. Any suggestions would be appreciated. This brings me just only the attachment . But i want to send html email with this attachment . Answer Creating a mail with an HTML body and an
