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Tag: internet-explorer

Internet Explorer 11 support on windows 8.1

I’ve read that IE won’t be supported on Windows 10 anymore. Official page: Microsoft We have a Java applet application what we can run in Edge, but for certain types of Operating Systems (Windows 8.1), there is only Internet Explorer installed on the machines. What is not clear for me that will Win 8.1 still have support for IE 11?

SessionNotCreatedException with Selenium 4.1.3/IEDriverServer 4.0.0 without open desktop session (works with Selenium 3.141.0/IEDriverServer 2.53.1)

I’m running Selenium via a Jenkins Maven job. The job is running on a separate Jenkins agent without a remote desktop session open to it. When I run in Selenium 3.141.0 with IEDriverServer it works fine. However, running with Selenium 4.1.3 and IEDriverServer throws a SessionNotCreatedException. Note that if I keep a remote desktop session open it works
