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Tag: intellij-idea

Creating Jar with Intellij 2016 – No main manifest attribute

I am getting no main manifest attribute while running the jar create by Intellij. I extracted the jar and observed that there was another manifest file, not the one I had specified while creating artifact. When I open manifest in IDE, it displays everything right but after creating jar I get a whole new manifest file. I tried every solution

How to use drag and drop in IntelliJ for java swing

I am using IntelliJ for java application development using swing . It is difficult to manage content using layout manager. So, is there is any facility to make drag and drop features like in visual studio for… Answer You can use IntelliJ’s GUI designer JetBrains website has some resources detailing how to use it: Designing GUI. Major Steps Creating

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=350m;

When I’mtrying to open Intellij IDE using command line in linux like this ./ both android studio and PHPStorm I always got this message : OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=350m; support was removed in 8.0 and I was wondering if google find solution here but I was kinda lost here since I’m newbie in ubuntu 14.04. my

Unable to save settings : IntelliJ IDEA

I use IntelliJ IDEA 15 and have a problem with the auto-saving. For example I make a new configuration, e.g. Show the line number. When I close IntelliJ and reopen my IDE, it doesn’t save my configuration and shows me this message: Unable to save settings : Failed to save settings . Please restart IntelliJ IDEA Answer I get this

Generate persistance mapping from database schema In IntelliJ15

i’m using IntelliJ 15.0.3,I connect oracle database 10g,then i want to create jpa entity. open Import Database Schema Dialog,and Choose a table named:CD_AREA_DICT When Click ok ,I get the error:Cannot generate Mapping xml. how can i fix this? Answer You have to select XML mapping file (usually orm.xml) in your project or simply add new one using [+] button. You
