This is my program to print natural numbers from 1 to N^2 in a clockwise spiral. I’m getting the following error This is my program The code works fine for N=2 but starts giving this error for N=3,4 etc. If N=3, the greatest value of arr[i][c2] will be arr[2][2] which falls in the range of a 3×3 matrix. Could someone
Tag: indexoutofboundsexception
How to get the maximum occurring character and its occurrences from a user inputted String sentence?
I have a program that asks the user for a String sentence and output its maximum occuring character and its occurences. My issue here is that the function that counts the max character and its occurrences only counts that maximum character and its occurrences only for a single word(that is all lowercase) and not a full sentence or a word
How to allow out of bounds index in Java
I try to make the program so that the user can give input of the interger of the Month (e.g when user inputs number 4, The output should be April) and it will keep asking so long the user inputs a …
How to prevent an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in this case?
The question is: given a string: aaaBBB I need to print: a3B3 (counting occurrences of each letter in a given string). I tried the following: I’m getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception, for my last iteration, when I check c[i] with c[i+1] (pretty obvious, because the index i+1 doesn’t exist). I’d want to know some ways to avoid getting this exception, without
No output after button click, since the variable doesn’t exist?
I wanted a frame with one TextArea and one Button. When I press the button, the TextArea should show a food menu of 5 Pizzas, well it shows nothing at all, except for the console which shows In the method windowsStart() the objects exists and are adjustable. In the actionPerformed()Method the objects are … kind of invisible, not existing? The
How can I overcome ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException for Integer.parseInt(args[0])? [duplicate]
This question already has answers here: String[] args parameter: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (3 answers) What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it? (26 answers) Closed 1 year ago. I’ve seen below code in one of the video tutorial.There its executes fine but while I’m trying to execute in my system, it is compiling fine but I’m getting runtime error saying,
In the knights tour challenge, from the coordinates the player is currently on to show the user where they can move
This is from my attempt at the knights tour game, and what I was trying to do here was show the user what moves they could make from whatever position they are in, in the array. The problem arrives with NextPos[x+1][y-2]!=null in the if statement, as the exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2 is thrown. I know the array is out of bounds
Compilation error due to a wrong creation of IndexOutOfBoundsException
I had written a code to show a billboard program and I wanted to prevent the system from crashing by using an IndexOutOfBoundsException when users enter an invalid choice. I can’t seem to get it to run properly. Here is what I have: Here is my error: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code – constructor IndexOutOfBoundsException in class
Getting IndexOutOfBoundException
why does following main method gives IndexOutOfBoundException at list.add(1, 2)? Answer You can’t add an element at index 1 when it the ArrayList is empty. It starts at 0, or just use add. Per the ArrayList#add(int index, E element) javadoc, Throws: When size == 0, the index 1 is out of range.
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000000 at problem2.main(
I get the following error and I don’t know why. I tried looking it up, but I didn’t find a solution. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1000000 at problem2.main( Here is my code: Answer The problem is not the size of the int[]. Your while loop is constantly checking if a[i] is less than 4000000 while the i variable is