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Tag: image

getRGB throws error when trying to get the color of coordinates of an image

I have been searching for ways to get the color of a coordinate (x, y) of an image. I have an image, Image depthImage = mActivityTestRule.getActivity().getDepthImage();, and I would like to do that, by giving the coordinates. My project is an ARCore project (git clone One solution that I found is but the expression getRGB is highlighted in red.

Mirroring an Image in Java

Background info: I’ve made a program that uploads an image using JFileChooser and fills in the space of the JFrame. I then apply filters via buttons. Currently 3 of my 4 filters work, or all except my mirror one. It randomly (or I guess not so randomly as there’s always a reason, I just don’t know what I did) worked

How to save an image using JFileChooser

Background info: I’ve made a program that uploads an image using JFileChooser and have made fill in the space of the JFrame. My Question: I’ve attempted implementing my method on a save button and so far I can pull up the JFileChooser but it will not actually save the image. So how would I go about saving the same image

is this txt file actually an image?

I found this GitHub rep about image classification (Male and female images) using an artificial neural network, the training data are 2 directories “./male”, and “./female”, each one contains a list of txt files. these text files contain rows of numbers, each row of 16 numbers. a preview I don’t understand! ARE THESE SUPPOSED TO BE IMAGES (matrices of pixels
