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Tag: htmlunit

Java Web Scraper project is returning null instead of normal links

Used maven for htmlunit dependency for the webscraper. The main issue is that my scraper returns null instead of links. I made an item class to set and get. } Result: basically a line of null going down *note: Putting System.out.println(link) returns one link and reuses that same link as it prints new line, in this case it would be

How to change my Selenium code to HtmlUnit [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed last year. Improve this question I have the sellinium code below and it working fine. What I want is

Automated test for OIDC Login

I have build an OpenID Connect Login for my java application (without spring). Now I want to have an automated test for the OIDC process. I am using KeyCloak as auth-server. For OIDC my test has to login on the keyloak login page by passing the username and password. For this I am using HtmlUnit and a simple http-server for

HTMlUnit – getByXPath – Get Values Back From Attribute List

I’m trying to get just the value from an xpath query for hrefs attributes but I can’t figure out how to state the query, at best I get my refs back in a list of DomAttr that I need to use getValue() on to get the actual link. My very simple set-up is the following: E: This returns the value

unable to run Htmlunit application using Maven dependency

I have added Htmlunit Maven dependency by adding the following to my pom.xml When I am trying to run the application, I am getting the following error: The following is my pom.xml, as my pom.xml is very lengthy I have removed some of the sections like properties, profiles, etc. Answer You need to remove the direct HttpClient dependency, because it
