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Tag: gson

How to deserialize json to nested custom map via gson?

I have the following json To deserialize it, I have the following data model class. I am not getting any deserialization error when I am using gson but the profiles variable is coming as null. This is how I am deserializing. var json = gson.fromJson(data,json.class) inside the match object there can be a dynamic number of usernames not just two

IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create @Body converter for class

Whenever I try to create a request with Retrofit it fails. The strange thing is that it worked before, I didn’t change anything about the code. Now months later it doesn’t work anymore. I’m getting the following error: IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create @Body converter for class apis.Config (parameter #2) I tried changing from Gson to Moshi but it didn’t solve

Parse a json list into list of object Java

I have a response as follows I want to map this json to a POJO object and have created this class I am currently using this way to read this The size of events is 2 but each event is coming as null instead of a map. Can Someone please help me ? Answer To achieve your goal you have

Gson showing nested Object as null

Im trying to deserialize objects into JSON, one object contains a nested object. I created an instance of both the nested object (UserAddress)and the one containing it (UserObjectWithNestedObject). However, when I serialize, the nested object is null. So I ran the program in debugger mode to see when it goes null. It seems to be null when I use it

Can’t register Gson TypeAdapter in Spring Boot

I have been trying to add custom serialization of my Version class in RestComponent: Json output I expect: not So I decide to use JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer interfaces, also tried TypeAdapter. I’ve created a Gson Bean in my MVC configuration class, also tried to create GsonBuilder bean. In application properties I choosen gson as serializator, and removed Jackson dependencies. All

Why protected constructor can be used to new instance outside of the package?

From gson-2.8.6.jar Outside of the package, why the protected TypeToken() constructor can be used to new an instance? What’s the grammar that {} appear after new TypeToken<String>()? Answer What you are seeing is the syntax for an anonymous class: Essentially what happens is, defines a new anonymous class which inherits from TypeToken. You can immediately derive this from

Gson returns Json object with `=` instead of `:` [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Here is my code: The assertion fails because: Why does my expected object

In Kotlin, how does GSON.fromJson(…) manage to mutate a read-only field of an existing object?

In Kotlin, how can an instance’s read-only val field be mutated? In the following Kotlin code, gson.fromJson(…) gets a Thing(0) from the InstanceCreator and somehow manages to mutate value from 0 to 1, then return that object. How? I verified that the object returned by gson.fromJson(…) is the same object provided by the InstanceCreator, so it’s not creating a new
