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Tag: grep

grep method appears in class file but not in its human dump

I’m grepping for a method getNumBytes in some class file A.class: When I dump its content with javap I can’t see my method: Here is a complete minimal example: Answer UPDATE I’m on Windows, and it runs fine. I believe Thomas Kläger is correct that this is a shell issue: Its probably because of the $Companion in the class name.

Unix grep for Java logs

I am new to Unix grep and i would like some help to come up with a grep command. Currently, i have the following types of error in my application logs: 2012-02-31 10:21:41,333 ERROR [65] ( – Exception Connection timed out 2012-01-31 10:24:41,843 ERROR [41] ( – Exception Connection timed out 2011-01-31 10:22:41,841 ERROR [1] ( – Exception
