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Tag: gdal

How is the gdal.Translate function used in the GDAL Java bindings?

I am trying to preform some processing (i.e. applying a function to the contents of each cell of a raster, and then writing that out as a new raster), where the SRS of the input dataset is different (and has a different extent) from the target SRS. To sole this, I attempted to use the gdal.Translate function from the gdal

Warp using Java GDAL API

I am trying to warp a dataset using Java GDAL API. However, GDAL Java API is not documented and it is unclear which options WarpOptions take. I feed -tr 15 15 just like for gdalwarp. This results in Option not found error: What is the option to reduce/increase the resolution? Where can I get the list of possible options? Answer
