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Tag: firebase

Can’t get custom Object from Firestore

I’m trying to create a custom object from a document in the Firebase Firestore. Whenever I try to use the User object, I get a NullPointerException on the user object: I call getUserFromFirebaseUser here: Here is the User class: I’m relatively new to using Firebase with Android. Any help is appreciated. EDIT I’ve added Log statements to the onComplete() method

java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when removing elements from arraylist even with iterators

I’m trying to delete content from two arrayLists when a particular condition is satisfied. But when the condition satisfied I get Concurrent modification error. After searching on internet I saw the solution to fix this using the iterator concept but that also doesn’t work. Here is the two code variations that I tried: [my code is in Kotlin] 1st variation:

Firestore Could not deserialize object. Failed to convert value of type java.util.HashMap to Date

I’m trying to read a field from the first document in a Firestore Collection but I get the following error: Could not deserialize object. Failed to convert value of type java.util.HashMap to Date I have a Firestore Database that looks like this: The “User Routes” collection contains documents named after each User’s ID. Inside those documents are multiple “Route” collections.

Firebase authentication works only on debug version

I have an app on google play: and I have a big problem. I can’t get firebase authentication with phone number to work on the signed version. in fact, it works only with the debug version (when in the release version I insert the number and click the send button, the toast is returned: unknown error) … Precisely for

dataSnapshot could not get parent push key value

I want dataSnapshot to check if “month” exists in its parent’s “summary”. But dataSnapshot is returning that it does not have “month” in “summary” My Firebase Database: I want to check the value (blue line) from its parent(red line) My Firebase Database Answer The following line of code: Returns the key of the node on which the reference is pointing
