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Tag: firebase-storage

Want to list all the files in a child of firebase storage and share the ArrayList to set it in the recycler view for a android App [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question In my firebase storage i have a child which contains subfolder and on these folder some contains files while some contains

How to update the the bitmap image inside the FirebaseStorage in android without changing its downloadUrl in the realtimedatabase

I want to update the bitmap image inside the URL without changing its download URL in the real-time database because at uploading for the first time I have uploaded the image in the storage and stored it URL in the real time database now I want to update that image how should I approach this ?? above written code was

When uploading a image for one user to firebase storage, the link of the image updates for every user in database

I’m creating this app in Android Studio using Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Storage. When a user registers through my app the data will store in the Firebase Realtime Database. Then on the profile page, there is a place to upload a picture. When a user uploads a picture it will store in the firebase storage and the link will
