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Tag: datastax-java-driver

I have declared primary using PartitionKey annotation but still getting Entity Order does not declare a primary key

I have the following POJO: Getting the exception at the following code: The definition of connectionManager is here: The exception is as: I am implementing by following the documentation here: . What could be the possible cause of this? EDIT:- Adding the schema definition: Answer Full Edit : There are a few things going on here which confuses

I am trying to write a DAO interface using Datastax 4.2.2, but getting several compile errors

I have the following POJO: And now I am writing the OrderDao as following: And when I do ./gradlew build I get the following errors: I am implementing by following the documentation here: . What could be the possible cause of this? Thanks. Answer You are missing the @Entity annotation on your Order class:
