I am trying to execute multiple BatchSatements in parallel with ExecutorService of Java. I want to know whether my query is successfully executed. I have gone through: how do I find out if the update query was successful or not in Cassandra Datastax It’s saying if no exception is there, we can consider it successful. But I am getting NoHostAvailableException.
Tag: datastax-java-driver
I have declared primary using PartitionKey annotation but still getting Entity Order does not declare a primary key
I have the following POJO: Getting the exception at the following code: The definition of connectionManager is here: https://pastebin.com/b3GKJuV6 The exception is as: I am implementing by following the documentation here: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/4.2/manual/mapper/ . What could be the possible cause of this? EDIT:- Adding the schema definition: Answer Full Edit : There are a few things going on here which confuses
I am trying to write a DAO interface using Datastax 4.2.2, but getting several compile errors
I have the following POJO: And now I am writing the OrderDao as following: And when I do ./gradlew build I get the following errors: I am implementing by following the documentation here: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/4.2/manual/mapper/ . What could be the possible cause of this? Thanks. Answer You are missing the @Entity annotation on your Order class:
DataStax Java Driver 4.0: is object mapping going to be supported?
On March 2019 DataStax Java Driver v4.0.0 was released, and my project should plan future migration to it, however I was not able to found any mentioning of object mapping as it was done in 3.x.x version. I checked DataStax GitHub and JIRA and there is nothing that can help. Is it going to be supported? If yes, can you