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Tag: coldfusion

Convert time from specific timezone to UTC (ColdFusion/Java)

We need to take a datetime string (which we’ve already received and validated from user form inputs), treat it as being specific to the America/New_York timezone, and convert it to UTC. We’re currently running ColdFusion 2018, which is limited in its native datetime functionality. So I wanted to tap into the underlying Java. Most CF-related solutions are pre-java.time, so I

Class name for Liquide / Liqp Project in Lucee / Coldfusion,

I’m trying to use the Liquid template engine in coldfusion and I’m not sure what “class name” to use when creating the java object in lucee Relevant Documentation Liqp Project: Lucee Doc: Jar File: for the 2nd parameter, classname, I’ve tried many combinations(liqp,Liquid,liqp-0.7.9,liquid.parser,etc), but nothing seems to work, I’ve inspected the jar file for ideas. Anybody have any
