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Tag: annotations

What annotation targets are applicable to Java records?

I have an annotation used for methods or fields defined like this: I wanted to prevent users from using this on a record since it wouldn’t make sense for this annotation to be used in that context. It seems doing this should not compile since I don’t specify ElementType.PARAMETER as a valid @Target. The following compiles fine though: But this

@AliasFor doesn’t work on attribute in custom annotation

I’m using SpringBoot 2.4.2. And I’m struggling with @AliasFor with custom annotation. I implemented below custom annotation. And using it like this. And this test code fails. with message I don’t know why, anyone know? Answer An annotation is static metadata for a class, field etc. so Spring cannot change anything about it. To make features as @AliasFor possible Spring

Proper Lifecycle Order For Annotation Processing In Maven

I’m currently working on a java project where I need to generate and compile JPA metamodel classes as part of the build. I did some research and found an answer here: Generate the JPA metamodel files using maven-processor-plugin – What is a convenient way for re-generation? that seems like a reasonable solution. The problem is, my project also contains some

JML specification in the interface and the implementing class

I am a bit new to java and so while programming i have noticed that i have to give JML annotations to my subroutines. As i was working with object-oriented programming i have noticed the use of interfaces and that i have to declare the method there with JML specification, the questions is, when after i have my interface done

Composite annotations to reuse

we have couple of annotations, for springboot controller method. and these are mostly reused in multiple methods. combine as Is there a way we can create a composite annotation ? I know we might as well add a new one which encapsulates these, but at times this is not possible. Just trying to reuse these bunch as single or reduced

Why is the element type here annotated as Integer and not Integer[]? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Let’s say that @TypeAnno is some type annotation. Here the element
