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Tag: android-studio

i can’t reference a String that exists

Im trying to run this code: but the R.string.default_web_client_id part isnt working (Cannot resolve symbol ‘default_web_client_id’). i know that the ‘default_web_client_id’ string exists, but it isnt at the String XML, its in a generated ‘values.xml’ am i doing something wrong or it should be working? Answer I think your app will not going to crash anywhere. Just Android Studio’s IDE

Android Studio calculate total price

I wanna ask how can I sum all patty price and display in the total ? The total is in activity_main.xml layout while all the product price is in view_product.xml . Screenshot of app As you can see the grey color text is per patty price , and the right side black text is price after multiply the quantity of

Why Can’t read data From Database Firebase?

I store name information that was working a few days ago and the information is stored on firebase Realtime, and now you don’t do it, and nothing goes to Database. in my dependencies i Used and in build Gradle (project) Answer In comments we find a problem, you need to add another one SHA-1, or change existing one. Go to

> Could not find

I am facing this exoplayer not found error in video android studio application after I updated my project dependencies. I don’t know how to update old Exoplayer link to Can anyone tell how to remove this error and update to latest exoplayer version ? Answer Worked after adding these to build.gradle: And enabling multidex. Check this out

I cant run the email intent code on my phone

enter image description here the email intent code is completely run in the android mobile model provided by android studio but when I run the code in my personal phone its not work… please answer ?? Answer Don’t forget to set the type of intent so it will trigger email clients

Fix app keeps stopping made with android studio [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed last year. Improve this question I’m new in the android development field. Last night I made a simple calculator
