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Tag: android-studio

Android Studio Connect to Socket server

I have a server running in Java using Eclipse (Here the full code): As you can see, the client sends 2 values and receives 1, the first one is for the switch, which will indicate what to exceute, for now I just have on option (checking if email exists in the ddbb), the second value is the email as the

How can I run a java.class from Main Activity

I’m a beginner at Android Development and hoping someone can help me a bit out. I want to connect to a local server (IP). I found a code in GitHub that supposedly would do this connection. But the thing is that this is a java.class and not in my MainActivity. So when I run my app in the emulator now,

android-youtubeextrator: Error

I am getting error while trying to download video from youtube using android-youtubeextrator lib. Full error code: My Download Function: I tried changing the version of android-youtubeextrator. Still it is giving same error. Please help. Answer you can track the same issue on the Lib From Github for sample answer from there:

Android-How to create a new writeable file?

I have a jobIntentService that create a file to add some text in it but I get the error /data/user/0/com.example.projet/files/log.txt (Is a directory). I don’t know what I did wrong… Here is my code : Furthermore, what I want is a sort of log file so I want to access it from the phone but /data/user/0/com.example.projet/files/log.txt is an hidden path
