I want to rewrite my JSON file with my edited jsonObj. When I set the 2nd parameter by the FileOutputStream to true, I get a output which is appended to the file. But I want to rewrite this, how can I do it? When I set the 2nd parameter to false, myReader is null and I don’t get a output.
Tag: android-studio
How can I write Java Model Class for Json Schema?
the problem is with coach, goalkeepers and defender like entity I don’t know how to make a class for this kind of response Answer When creating Java POJO for a json schema you just need to map the fields. For your problem we can something like this. Similarly we can make classes for GoalKeeper,.. ,so that they map the fields
Android BLE Scan Callback is not called after scanning for BLE devices
I’m creating an Android app that scans all nearby BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices using Android Studio. I think I have implemented all these documentations: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth/ble-overview https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth/permissions#java https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth/setup#java https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth/find-ble-devices But as you can see in the log below, (the problem) there are no BLE devices scanned by the app. Here are the logs in the logcat: I think it could
Android RecyclerView on a null object reference
im trying to get Highscores from a File and display them in a RecyclerView. But im getting the following Error: I know that my scoreItems in arent empty. I dont know what i am doing wrong. I´m new in the Android World 🙂 Thanks for helping. My files: score_activity.java CustomAdapter.java activity_score_activity.xml recycler_style.xml Answer You mistype the recycler_style.xml, the id must
how to get SimpleDateFormat to give me numbers like 13/6/2021?
is there a way to let the simple date format to give me numbers not names its giving me 12 jul, 2021 Answer Are you looking for :
Call method when Application Closes
I know this is asked many times, but I want to clear things up In which activity should I place onDestroy()? Say I am in the MainActivity A and I move to activity B. But then I close the application while being on activity B. Does the onDestroy() method in MainActivity A get called? Or should I put an onDestroy()
How do I create a new TextView and display it? (with programming)
I’m still new to Android Studio, and for practice I want to make a simple To-Do list app. I’m troubles with creating a new TextView and displaying it. I know that I probably need to manually insert the TextView into the layout, but I have no idea how to do that. Here’s my MainActivity code: I am using ConstraintLayout for
Android Kotlin – Why does a Seekbar minimum value over 100 not work?
Hello everybody When i add a min value to my Seekbar which is over 100 it always shows an min value of 100. So for example my min value is 120 but it shows 120. I found out that i can use every value until 100 but no bigger value for my “min”. Does anyone know the reason? My code:
Hilt :- Not able to use the @AndroidEntryPoint in the AppCompatActivity getting DefaultV iewModelFactories exceptions?
I want to use the Hilt in my project for getting the helper class object as the common for my activity. I have tried the below lines of code for it Manifest file entry My AppController class Please check my gradles file for it Please check my classPath entry below Now please check my NVModule Module class in which i
Hide TextView when CollapsingToolbarLayout is Collapsed, and show it when expanded
I am working on an app using a CollapsingToolbarLayout, with an ImageView inside it. I wanted to add a gradient on top of it to look nicer and to be able to read the CollapsingToolBar title better, so I made a little hack and added a Relative Layout with a textview inside it, then I added a background to that