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Tag: android-recyclerview

Why is the content of CardView inside a RecyclerView (in my case) changing when I scroll?

I have the same question like this post “Cardview’s data are changed while scrolling RecyclerView”. But taking out the statics isn’t working. Context of what I am doing: I am adding a couple of buttons inside a FlexboxLayout and again inside a CardView (CardView inside a RecyclerView). Buttons are being added dynamically. The same thing happens with a couple of

How to fix Scrolling issue of horizontal ViewPager2 and RecyclerView that are inside a vertical RecyclerView?

I have a RecyclerView (say, rootRecyclerView) that can have different kinds of rows depending on some API response. I implemented one of them is a horizontal ViewPager2 and another one is implemented with horizontal RecyclerView (say, childRecyclerView). The rootRecyclerView swipes vertically whereas the viewPager2 and childRecyclerView swipes horizontally. The Problem: When I swipe on the screen, if the swipe is

How to change RecyclerView LayoutManager from List to Grid?

I’m using a ViewPager in which I have a RecyclerView, in this RecyclerView I want to change the LayoutManager from List to Grid. I’ve implemented this code: On the RecyclerView’s onCreateViewHolder I have the following code: I make the change from List to Grid through a FloatingButton, changing the value of “managerL” (this is a boolean variable) so, when I
